Maximum gerunt resistentia 50ml 100ml 250ml 500ml 1l Tungsten carbide molere Jar ad Lab pila mola
Cemented carbide pila molendini hydriafit de dura componit et refractórium metalla et Bonded metalla. Tungsten carbide habet commoda altus duritia, gerunt resistentia, princeps fortitudinem, bonum lenta, æstus resistentia et corrosio resistentia, etc. In excelsum duritiem et gerunt resistentia sunt maxime praestantes, possunt ponere bonum perficientur usque ad D ° C temperatus.
Quid facit cemented carbide molere hydria opus?
Ut per necessarium speciale accessoriumPlanetarium pila molendinum, when the planetary ball mill grinds the powder, under the high-speed running of the planetary ball mill, the grinding balls, materials and the walls of the ball grinding tanks filled with grinding balls and samples produce intense energy due to friction, impact and shear, with this energy, the samples can be pulverized very well, and the ball mill is the container to provide space for powder grinding.
Carbide Ball molendini molere Jar est in planetarium pila molendini, cum carbide molere pila, propter molere carbide pulveris, adamas, adamas et altus duritia pulveris.

Future of Tungsten Carbide molendum hydria:
I. High Temperature resistentia, operating temperatus potest pervenire ad M ° C.
II. Altus gerunt resistentia ad D ° c.
III. Altus duritie, Ultra-alta duritia est principalis characteres cemented carbide molere dolia.
IV. Fortitudo et lenta, non solum habet altum duritiem, sed etiam habet ipsum bonum lenta.
Volubilis (ml) | H (mm) | OD (mm) | Id (mm) | T (mm) | Wall T (mm) |
50 | 61.5 | 48 | 36 | 8 | 6 |
C | 59 | 63 | 51 | 6 | 6 |
CCL | 69 | 86 | 74 | 10 | 6 |
D | 96 | CV | 92 | 14 | 6,5 |
M | CXXV | CXXX | CXV | 14 | 7.5 |
Sunt plures genera carbide molere dolia 'photos ut infra:

Nostra commoda
● sumus officinas cum plus XV annis experientia.
● oem et odm sunt gratum.
● exempla erit in III working days si available in stirpe.
● parva iudicii ordine accepit in initial cooperante.
● Material peritia ad postulans challenges
● ex Lab investigationis ad batch productio
● Multi, Axial Press capabilities
● Omnia Fingitur in-Domus
● coxae mortis
● Velox partus IV ~ VI weeks
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Productio apparatu

Infectum molere

SPRY siccatio


TPA Press


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Filum secans

Vertical stridor

Universal molere

Planum stridor

CNC Milling Machina
Inspectionem instrumentum

Duritia meter


Quadratica elementum mensura

Cobalt Magnetic

Metallographic Microscope