Customized Carbide CYMBALON DISC / CYMBALON PRAEXUS Tube Type Pump
Sunt multa genera valvulae quae late adhibetur maxime in maximo applicando agro oleum et Gas industria. InCemented carbide valvae pila & sedem et valvae orbisare be widely used to valve in various tube-type, rod-type oil suction pump and oil pipeline due to their high hardness, wear and corrosion resistance as well as good anti-compression and thermal shock characters with a high pumping effect and a long pump check cycle for raising and transportation of sand, gas and wax containing thick oil from tilted wells.

Zhuzhou Chuamptu Cended Carbide Co., Ltd est specialized in customized cemented carbide gerunt partes olei et Gas industria, et posset fabricare variatungsten carbide partesEt ferreus Alloy Wers resistente partes fundatur in Lorem scriptor drawings et materia specificationem requisive.We sunt producendo et machining variis non-vexillum aut customized Tungsten carbide uber non-vexillum et customized tungsten carbide uber non-vexillum vel customized Tungsten carbide uber non-vexillum, in dura operating conditionibus includit gravibus abrasione, exesa et fortis impact.our negotium est focus, et fortis impact.our negotium est focus in:
1.Non-vexillum praecisione carbide et matricem compositum gerunt, repugnant partibus genere valvulae.
II. Non-vexillum praecisione carbide et matricem compositum gere, repugnans partes PETROLEUM.
Welcome to Contact Us for More Details si vos have demanda pro cemented carbide partes applicari in oleum exploratio et EXERCITATIO, metalla, chemical industria, calculus eget industria, sentinam valvae, solaris industria, sentinam et solaris industria, machinery et in.
Productio apparatu

Infectum molere

SPRY siccatio


TPA Press


Hip Sinctering
Dispensando apparatu


Filum secans

Vertical stridor

Universal molere

Planum stridor

CNC Milling Machina
Inspectionem instrumentum

Duritia meter


Quadratica elementum mensura

Cobalt Magnetic

Metallographic Microscope